Asia Noise News

A man in Singapore claims that for the past four months, his rude neighbor has been making a lot of noise in the morning and evening by hammering and drilling

A man in Singapore claims that for the past four months, his rude neighbor has been making a lot of noise in the morning and evening by hammering and drilling

After four months of extremely loud noise from his careless neighbor, a man vented on social media. The man detailed his experience in a post on Reddit’s Ask Singapore forum, stating that he has been regularly awakened by loud hammering sounds emanating from his ceiling at approximately 6 to 7 a.m. Additionally, he stated that this sporadic sound can last for approximately 30 minutes, occasionally lasting into the afternoon or even as late as 10 p.m., and it happens every 1 to 2 minutes. He added that the neighbor who lives above him regularly uses large equipment that “resembles a drill, though it may also be a saw or similar equipment” in addition to the hammering. He wrote, “He usually waits until 10 a.m. before beginning to drill, but on weekends he may begin at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. or operate it in 1-second bursts at 6-7 a.m.” He has also attempted to resolve the matter by leaving several notes expressing his concerns at his neighbor’s door at around six in the morning, but to no avail. He wakes me up all the time. He said, “I left another angry note at their door, and this person started hammering at 5 a.m. today, to the point where I have multiple nightmares.” References

A man in Singapore claims that for the past four months, his rude neighbor has been making a lot of noise in the morning and evening by hammering and drilling Read More »

Due to the noisy dogs of her neighbors, a Thai woman sells her house and gives deaf buyers a discount

A Thai woman offers the deaf and dog owners a special discount on her house.In Thailand, a woman who is tired of her neighbors’ dogs’ loudness is giving the deaf and other dog owners a special discount on her house. She even made it clear that she preferred buyers who had large dogs that let out loud barks. The woman has posted a sign promoting her home and requesting prospective purchasers. Relocating for the sake of family well-beingThe 58-year-old woman had previously complained to authorities about the noise, according to Thailand’s Channel 8 News. None of them, though, have been able to resolve her problem. She claimed that for the past three years, her family has had to take sleeping pills simply to get any sleep at all due to the incessant barking. At the end of her rope, she told reporters that she had to put her family’s health and sanity first. She is therefore selling the house and relocating. References

Due to the noisy dogs of her neighbors, a Thai woman sells her house and gives deaf buyers a discount Read More »

Dust and noise disturbance from a luxurious condo in Pattaya

The construction of a luxurious condominium in the Taphra Ya 9-15 area of Pattaya, which will rise more than 60 stories, has alarmed locals and rental operators. Residents have been inconvenienced by the dust and noise from the construction site for more than two years, but local authorities have not offered any support. 52-year-old Taphra Ya 9 business owner Chalida voiced her annoyance, saying the construction has resulted in constant noise and dust problems. She said that because of the intolerable noise levels, which can occasionally last until midnight, many residents are slowly leaving. Chalida gave reporters video footage showing the detrimental effects of the noise and dust from the construction site, as well as her unsuccessful attempts to lodge complaints with the Pattaya City Council and other authorities. Those living on the seventh floor, which has been completely evacuated because of the noise and dust from the cement pouring on the nearby streets, are in an especially bad situation. The extent of the issue was demonstrated by the thick dust layers that reporters saw on windows and floors, as well as the cracks in the surrounding buildings. Additionally, the widespread dust has caused respiratory problems for housekeepers and employees, requiring the constant use of face masks. No agency has intervened to address these health issues in spite of their difficulties. Chonburi MP Yodchai Phungporn recently paid a visit to the location to hear the complaints of locals and business owners. According to Siam Rath, he intends to bring their grievances about the dust and noise to the Land and Environment Committee of the House of Representatives for additional action. References

Dust and noise disturbance from a luxurious condo in Pattaya Read More »

Asia’s Largest Soundproof Bridge, Constructed in MP's Seoni with an enormous budget of Rs 960 crore, severely damaged

Asia’s Largest Soundproof Bridge, Constructed in MP’s Seoni with an enormous budget of Rs 960 crore, severely damaged

The largest soundproof bridge in Asia, built on National Highway 44 in the Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh, has sustained significant damage as a result of persistent rain. A private company spent an enormous Rs 960 crores building the bridge. Several reports state that the repair work is presently in progress, which is leading to frequent traffic jams on the highway that links Kashmir and Kanyakumari. The bridge, which connects Seoni and Nagpur and is close to the Pench Tiger Reserve, was built with 14 wildlife underpasses and light reducers to reduce noise pollution. The bridge is 29 kilometers long and was built at a cost of ₹960 crores by the private company Dilip Buildcon. Five years after construction, the structure started to show signs of damage despite a ten-year guarantee; cracks and broken sections were noticed after intense rains. The company in charge of building the highway has temporarily stopped traffic while they work on repairs. Given the substantial investment required, the early deterioration raises questions about the bridge’s durability and the engineering’s efficacy. References

Asia’s Largest Soundproof Bridge, Constructed in MP’s Seoni with an enormous budget of Rs 960 crore, severely damaged Read More »