A man in Singapore claims that for the past four months, his rude neighbor has been making a lot of noise in the morning and evening by hammering and drilling
After four months of extremely loud noise from his careless neighbor, a man vented on social media. The man detailed his experience in a post on Reddit’s Ask Singapore forum, stating that he has been regularly awakened by loud hammering sounds emanating from his ceiling at approximately 6 to 7 a.m. Additionally, he stated that this sporadic sound can last for approximately 30 minutes, occasionally lasting into the afternoon or even as late as 10 p.m., and it happens every 1 to 2 minutes. He added that the neighbor who lives above him regularly uses large equipment that “resembles a drill, though it may also be a saw or similar equipment” in addition to the hammering. He wrote, “He usually waits until 10 a.m. before beginning to drill, but on weekends he may begin at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. or operate it in 1-second bursts at 6-7 a.m.” He has also attempted to resolve the matter by leaving several notes expressing his concerns at his neighbor’s door at around six in the morning, but to no avail. He wakes me up all the time. He said, “I left another angry note at their door, and this person started hammering at 5 a.m. today, to the point where I have multiple nightmares.” References https://theindependent.sg